Cut Edge Corrosion Treatment
Early detection and effective treatment prevents costly future sheet replacement and dilapidations.
Cut edge corrosion is weather damage that occurs to the edge of a metal cladding sheet. corrosion is a very common problem on metal roofs
Corrosion commonly starts as edge peel at the cut edges of the metal sheet. It develops through normal weathering, mainly on roofs, and rapidly accelerates at the sheet overlap as a result of capillary held rainwater which causes underside corrosion.
Edge corrosion is a progressive problem and, if neglected, can develop away from the cut edge, destroying the weather-sealed lap joint and gutter overhang.
Giromax® Edgecoat allows you to preserve the cut edge joint protection, without disturbing the existing fittings and sheets. It provides a strong, flexible external joint that remains unaffected by UV, weather and temperature extremes for up to 15 years.
Cut Edge Corrosion Treatment Project Gallery